Gutter Systems in Oregon City OR
Gutter Systems
In our Northwest environment, gutter systems are critical. In other parts of the country, gutters must be able to handle ice and snow, and they are built for that. In our part of America, gutters have a relatively lightweight installation. However, gutter systems in the Northwest handle a tremendous volume of weight and water, and many of them also support evergreen needles and tree leaves. Effective guttering in the Northwest requires extra care and consideration to provide quality systems that function well.

Fascia Gutters
Fascia gutters are usually installed with a “spike and ferrule” system. This is a nailing system that holds the gutter in place. Often, we see that water will follow the nail into the rafter tail, causing rot damage to the framing. Nails then back-out, creating a loose gutter. There are alternatives to this system that last longer with less hassle.
Gutter Protection
There are literally hundreds of gutter protection products designed to filter leaves and needles. Many of these products do not do the job at all, primarily due to our pesky evergreen needles. Some products work very well. We support several products—please discuss your situation with your estimator.
K-Style Gutters
K-style gutters are gutters that have a more styled face and a larger opening. These gutters are commonly used all over North America. They handle a large volume of water and allow for bigger downspouts than fascia gutters. K-style gutters can be installed with a spike and ferrule, but there are options for very high caliber, heavy-duty hidden hangers, and other fastening systems.

Premium Nordic Steel Gutters
For forward-thinking customers who want a specialty appearance and higher quality, the Nordic Steel Gutter system is unparalleled. Nordic Steel Gutters offer a number of special characteristics not found in any other gutter system. They have a track record of over 70 years in the harsh winters of Scandinavia. We ship this product directly from Europe.
Some key features are:
- Premium, attractive, specialty appearance.
- Super Heavy-Duty 23-gauge steel construction, with premium, environmentally friendly finishing system.
- No caulking, and no leaks ever.
- Toughest, strongest hangers that hold 175 lbs. each. In some applications, they can support the weight of a standing human!
- Wide, 6” opening with extremely large 4” round downspout ushers water at the highest rate available for residential products.
- Most eco-friendly paint and gutter system available.